Well it seems like a long story to tell how I came to make symbol prints. Now it’s more than a year from the first experiments and I feel it’s been a long journey and I’m ready (finally!) to share my creativity with you.
I’ll start with what came in the end, because it summarizes the long and uneasy path of creative processes I went through.
By creating the print pattern used for a hoodie, pants and a dress I wanted to accomplish an idea of kind of “tattooed” clothing with meaningful symbols and signs. Since I’m a very deep seeker for a completely meaningful life, I tried to use a range of prints which helped me to cover almost all themes which in any event are important for people: love, death, sex, conspiracy theory, pop culture, mysticism and many others.
For these limited edition sportswear collection I created discharge screen prints based on my hand-bleached art prints. Fabric used is a fine quality gray cotton and all garments are made locally in Vladivostok. The idea of sustainability is fundamental for my business, however hard or not easy it is taken in Far Eastern Russia. Anyhow, we will be happy to sent our clothing Worldwide!
